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    • Consumer Goods & Retail Packaging 2022
    • Consumer Goods & Retail Packaging 2022
    The Plastech Mixer/Melter Technology makes it possible to recycle mixed plastic waste, unsorted, unwashed and unshredded. By applying friction and pressure different plastics are melted at their own melting temperature and by mixing the molten fractions a consistent, homogeneous new material is created. The different plastics have disappeared and there is no separation of these.
    This technology makes it possible to recycle the hitherto unrecycled plastics  such as residual mixed plastics, too expensive/difficult to separate, ropes, fishing nets, multilayers, carpet tiles, running shoes and even diapers and cigarette butts. In regions this will increase the ability to recycle all plastics. Moreover, also textile waste (< 20% organic textiles) can be mixed in (up to 50%), solving another big problem.
    The technology enables us to build a true circular business because the products made are fully recyclable again and are very durable. By placing this technology and circular business into a regional ecosystem, regio's can truly be made zero-plastic-waste.
    • Consumer Goods & Retail Packaging 2022
    The fact that a material is classified as non-recyclable often only has something to do with the collection and sorting infrastructure in the respective country. In principle, many more plastics are technically recyclable to a high standard. You "just" have to find them. How this can be done, how a supply chain can be set up from the brand to the recycler, and what benefits, including financial benefits, can arise, is shown by the technical management consultancy TILISCO GmbH as a best-case scenario.
  1. Break
    • Consumer Goods & Retail Packaging 2022
    EPR has been a key tool to upgrade the collection, sorting and recycling infrastructure not only in the European Union and other European countries but also in Canada and several other countries around the world. EPR is not only able to collect the necessary funding from brand owners but also use the know how and expertise of industry to work with all stakeholders of the packaging life circle to improve their contributions to make packaging circular; every piece of packaging which is collected and treated in a proper way cannot end up in our environment. 
    As this concept is now adapted by more and more countries and promoted by many relevant stakeholders like the Consumer Goods Forum but also by UNEP and OECD, we should base our implementation on the learnings from the past 30 years to apply it in the best possible way in each country, always adapting it to the local situation and needs. EPR following best practices leads to high traceability, sustainable packaging, less litter, appropriate recycling applications for all plastic packaging streams including chemical recycling and might also be inspiring for setting up EPR solutions for textiles.
    • Consumer Goods & Retail Packaging 2022
    In CHEP, we operate one of the most sustainable logistics business through our “share and reuse” packaging equipment business model as we move more goods to people worldwide than any other organization. 
    • Consumer Goods & Retail Packaging 2022
    • Consumer Goods & Retail Packaging 2022