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Extended Producer Responsibility as a key tool to a plastic waste free world - Key learning from 30 years

10 Nov 2022
Consumer Goods & Retail Packaging 2022
EPR has been a key tool to upgrade the collection, sorting and recycling infrastructure not only in the European Union and other European countries but also in Canada and several other countries around the world. EPR is not only able to collect the necessary funding from brand owners but also use the know how and expertise of industry to work with all stakeholders of the packaging life circle to improve their contributions to make packaging circular; every piece of packaging which is collected and treated in a proper way cannot end up in our environment. 
As this concept is now adapted by more and more countries and promoted by many relevant stakeholders like the Consumer Goods Forum but also by UNEP and OECD, we should base our implementation on the learnings from the past 30 years to apply it in the best possible way in each country, always adapting it to the local situation and needs. EPR following best practices leads to high traceability, sustainable packaging, less litter, appropriate recycling applications for all plastic packaging streams including chemical recycling and might also be inspiring for setting up EPR solutions for textiles.
Joachim Quoden, Managing Director - EXPRA - Extended Producer Responsibility Alliance