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Roadmaps to Decarbonizing Industrial Production Facilities

09 Nov 2022
Increasing Sustainability in Manufacturing Sectors 2022
Decarbonizing thermally-intensive manufacturing operations is a notoriously tough nut to crack.
Heat-intensive processes across food & bev, ceramics, automotive, chemicals and other
industries are Scope 1 reduction challenges for manufacturers and Scope 3 reduction
challenges for their customers.
This panel explores roadmaps to decarbonization, from tried and true technologies useful today
to address near-term CO2 reduction targets, to emerging technologies that are likely to be
relevant 10 and 20 years from now as we move towards net zero.
With both European and North American representation, this panel speaks to the challenges
and opportunities of decarbonizing an international portfolio of facilities as manufacturers face
rising fuel prices.
Arun Gupta, Founder & CEO - Skyven Technologies