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Do Current GHG Standards Limit the Scalability of Trusted Carbon Footprints? - Experiences From a Verifier’s Perspective.

09 Nov 2023
Reducing Manufacturing Emissions 2023
Digital technology is becoming increasingly important for companies to gather data, share their product carbon footprint (PCF) and scale all this in a more efficient and transparent way. However, current ISO standards for PCF verification are limiting the potential of these digital solutions, making it difficult to verify automated PCF calculations without extensive on-site audits and individual product evaluations. Moreover, the current wide range of digital solutions results in nearly endless combination possibilities of PCF database, calculation methodology/tool and sharing platform making it complicated to verify the truthfulness of the footprint. As a third-party verifier, TÜV SÜD has insight into the challenges companies are facing while using digital tools for sustainability and particularly PCF calculation. In this talk, we will share experiences and provide an outlook on how PCFs can be calculated, shared, and verified in such environments. We will show how industry associations are developing new standards to enable a future-proof PCF calculation & verification approach. Overall, this talk will be of interest to companies of all sizes looking to leverage digital technology for sustainability, as well as regulators and industry associations who are working to develop new standards to enable a more efficient and effective PCF process.  
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