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Sappi Symbio – Inspired by Nature

09 Nov 2022
Sustainable Materials for Manufacturing & Construction 2022
At Sappi, we recognise that people around the world are seeking sustainable, scalable, and responsible alternatives to non-renewables. With our knowledge and competencies, we embrace this opportunity. Sappi Symbio is a natural cellulose fibre solution reinforces (bio)plastics and makes them stronger, lighter and more sustainable.
We are inspired by nature and believe it is our responsibility to unlock the full potential of each tree harvested. Sappi Symbio helps to improve the life cycle analyses of products and reduces the overall carbon footprint (measured in kg CO2 equivalents) providing a positive global impact. 
The presentation will share more insights in how Sappi Symbio increases material performance, reduces overall weight and contributes to a more sustainable world. It will also help better understand how Symbio is unique and different to other natural fibre solutions.  Symbio fibres are non-visible in end-applications and are absent of undesired issues like discoloration and odor.
Symbio adds value to your products through both its natural origin and performance benefits. If you are looking for more sustainable and environmentally-friendly solutions, please come and listen to our story or visit us at our booth (stand 6022).
Juul Cuijpers, Product Manager - Sappi Biotech