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Fibenol - New Era in Wood Residues Biorefining, Allowing Non Food Competing Production of Biomaterials and Biochemicals

10 Nov 2022
Sustainable Materials for Manufacturing & Construction 2022
Fibenol is at the forefront of realizing the long awaited dream of lignocellulosic biomass to be converted into sustainable and biobased raw materials for biochemicals and biomaterials production. Our novel woody residues fractionation platform allows to produce dextrose replacement for conventional fermentation processes, no-smell lignin to replace fossil based chemistry (for example bitumen and phenol) and to produce biocomposites and our unique non Kraft process derived specialty celluloses that have wide perspectives for innovative applications in paper and packaging, concrete production, cosmetics etc. Presentation would shed the light on our journey from idea to real and what is our current offering for brand owners, allowing them to make aware decisions to demand for more sustainable and non food competing biobased raw materials to be used in their supply chains to match end-users raising awareness and will to have more sustainable products for use. '
Uku Erik Tropp, Bioprocess Development Project Manager - Fibenol