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100% Recyclable Claims in Packaging? Status on Standardization, Local Challenges and the Trust Behind Recyclability

10 Nov 2022
Consumer Goods & Retail Packaging 2022
The use of resources in a circular economy is currently only partially addressed by standards/regulations. One example is the plastic packaging industry where the recycling rate of plastic packaging waste is 40,6% (2019). And the ambitious goal of the European Commission with the review of the packaging and packaging waste directive to ensure that by 2030 all packaging on the EU market is reusable or recyclable in an economically viable way. T'V S'D and a waste management partner will go through a status of current challenges around local recyclability, status of standardization, how companies' statements about the recyclability of their products be transparent, reliable, and verified and available for the digital product passport in the future.'
Christiane Grünewald, Product Development Manager - TÜV SÜD